
Menampilkan postingan dari Juli, 2020

Suggestion and Offering dialogue

A: Hi mate,are you looking for something? B: oh hi, yeah i'm looking for my notebook, i lost it A:that's bad man,can i help you to find your note book? B:sure mate,thanks for your hand.. A:No problem man,ill help u to find it out A:btw,What color of your notebook? B:Hmm, it has a black cover, and it has a white strip A :Great!When didyou saw your notebook 4 the last time? B:i think i forgot, because i think i lost it between 2 places,maybe it's on my locker,or in the lab. A:I suggest you to check on cctv room,it could be help you to find your notebook,mate B: Thanks mate,btw can you accompany me to the cctv room? A:sure,why not?