

 Group Members: Avicenna(11) XII SCIENCE 5 Azarya Gerhard (13) XII SCIENCE 5 Social media is an online media that occupies social interaction. Social Media uses web-based technologies that turn communication into interactive dialogue. Several types of popular social media sites today include Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, to Youtube. The presence of social media itself invites pros and cons especially because it influnce for teenagers. This is because there are many negative impacts caused by social media for teenagers who are not yet mature in their emotions and in processing information. In my opinion social media itself is something neutral depending on its use. Indeed, social media has many negative impacts, but on the other hand, social media also has many positive impacts. Social media can cause addiction, so they will spend time scrolling entertainment content that is good at the right time, but bad if excessive, causing addiction. Because social media is open to everyone


How to download musics from  Google Chrome Warning : Bad quality sounds Assalamualaikum wr wb, hello I'm Avicenna from 11 science 5 absent 11 and today i will show you how to download music from google chrome. Many people don't know how to download music from any browsers,they often not downloading the music but downloading the virus. So today i'll show you how to download music from google chrome. so first you have to open the google chrome and search mp 3 juice, second click the mp 3 juice's website, third you need to search what music do you want to download, 4th click the download button and make sure you close the pop up ads, 5th wait until the download finish, and finally your song has been downloaded,you can listen the music in your phone music player or in google music. Video's Link :

My Goal My Ambition

  My Goal My Ambition Hello,today i will tell you about my goal and my ambition based of my effort what i had done in the past.My goals are so many,there are 10 goals that i want,but i'll only tell 2 goals that i will achieve in the future. My goals are Be Productive and success in this world and afterlife. My ambition that i've done are discipline, consistent, istiqomah, work hard,work smart and time management. Why i want to be productive and success in this world and afterlife?Because b eing productive teaches you to continuously push yourself. And the more productive you are, the easier it is to evolve into a better self. And because things in motion tend to stay in motion,being productive can easily lead to creating better habits. And why i want to success in this world and after life? because to lives in this world, humans especially Muslims certainly want to live successful both in this world and afterlife. Why? because i want to be a person that Allah likes to gain succ

Suggestion and Offering dialogue

A: Hi mate,are you looking for something? B: oh hi, yeah i'm looking for my notebook, i lost it A:that's bad man,can i help you to find your note book? B:sure mate,thanks for your hand.. A:No problem man,ill help u to find it out A:btw,What color of your notebook? B:Hmm, it has a black cover, and it has a white strip A :Great!When didyou saw your notebook 4 the last time? B:i think i forgot, because i think i lost it between 2 places,maybe it's on my locker,or in the lab. A:I suggest you to check on cctv room,it could be help you to find your notebook,mate B: Thanks mate,btw can you accompany me to the cctv room? A:sure,why not?
Haji Agus Salim (born Masyhudul Haq (meaning "defender of the truth"); born in Koto Gadang, Agam, West Sumatra, Dutch East Indies, October 8, 1884. Agus Salim was born to the Soetan Salim couple, Soetan Mohamad Salim and Siti Zainab.  his father's last was the Chief Prosecutor in the Riau High Court.  Basic education was taken at Europeesche Lagere School (ELS), a special school for European children, then continued to Hoogere Burgerschool (HBS) in Batavia.  When he graduated, he managed to become the best graduate in HBS throughout the Dutch East Indies.  After graduating, Salim worked as a translator and notary assistant at a mining company in Indragiri.  Salim then plunged into the world of journalism since 1915 in Neratja Daily as Editor II.  After that he was appointed as Chief Editor.  Married to Zaenatun Nahar and blessed with 8 children.  His activities in the field of journalism continued until he finally became the Chief of the Indian Daily Baroe in Jakarta. 
Information Media of Corona virus By : Avicenna H.C (11) X Science 5 link :
Eagle and Crow An eagle, with its wings force grabbing a lamb with his nails and took it away into space, a crow saw the incident, and imagined in his mind an idea that he had the power to do the same thing like the eagle. And with its wings opened wide and then flew through the air with fierce, he rocketed down and quickly hit the back of a sheep, but when he tried to fly again he realized that he could not raise sheep and he could not fly anymore because his nails had been entangled in the sheep’s wool, though he tried to release herself, the bondage was too difficult to be released so that he felt broken there and stayed on the back of the sheep. A herdsman who saw the crow flapping its wings trying to escape, herdsman saw what had happened, herdsman ran and then soon caught the bird and tied and confine the crow, after the afternoon he gave it to his children at home to play. "What a funny bird!" they laughed, "What bird is that, father?" "